IV Sedation in Mauldin, SC

Pain-Free Dental Care With Dr. McCraw

Dental anxiety is a common condition that prevents millions of patients from visiting the dentist and getting the care they need. Dr. McCraw and our team don’t want anyone’s health to suffer — that’s why we offer IV sedation to help you relax in the dental chair.

Learn more about IV sedation and how it can help eliminate your dental phobia.

What Is IV Sedation?

IV sedation stands for intravenous sedation. The medication used consists of chemicals that block the sensation of pain and keep you in a state of deep relaxation. It’s administered directly into your bloodstream, so you’ll feel the effects within moments. Once the sedation takes effect, you’ll remain calm and comfortable throughout the remainder of your procedure.

Contrary to popular belief, you won’t actually lose consciousness from IV sedation. You’ll remain awake and responsive, though you won’t feel pain and you’ll have little to no memory of your treatment later. This state is often referred to as “twilight sleep.”

Since the effects of IV sedation can take some time to wear off, you’ll also need to arrange a ride home.

Young woman smiling with her arms crossed

Benefits of IV Sedation

IV sedation offers many benefits that can improve your dental experience, including:

  • Eliminates pain/sensitivity
  • Keeps you relaxed without knocking you out
  • Allows you to respond to instructions/requests
  • Limits your memory of the procedure
  • Takes effect within moments

Schedule a Consultation With Dr. McCraw

If you want to ensure your next dental visit is painless and stress-free, ask Dr. McCraw about IV sedation. Call our Mauldin practice at (864) 297-6432 or fill out a contact form to schedule your consultation today.
